In Focus | The Trussell Trust
Rather than taking part in the chaos that is the ‘Black Friday’ sales, we instead choose to focus on how we can help others and make a difference. This year, we are donating 10% of all sales from our ‘Fun Friday’ to The Trussell Trust, an organisation that supports a nationwide network of food banks, providing food and support to those in need.
More than 14 million people in the UK live below the poverty line. With the cost of living increasing, this number is only rising. This is where The Trussell Trust comes in. With a campaign for change to end the need for food banks, the Trussell Trust works with a network of over 1,300 food banks across the UK, providing emergency food and support to those locked in poverty.
Within its network of food banks, The Trussell Trust provides a minimum of three days of nutritionally balanced food to people who have been referred. Acknowledging that ending hunger is about more than food, The Trussell Trust also encourages food banks to provide compassionate and practical support services for people in crisis, providing advice to help lift individuals out of poverty.
Over the course of 2022-23, The Trussell Trust has awarded £17.1m in grants and provided almost 3 million food parcels to their network of food banks to those in crisis.
By supporting The Trussell Trust, we can help provide vital support to those in need, in turn ending the need for food banks and emergency food in the UK.