Out of Focus | Curious about Colombia

Ahhh Colombia.. It’s no simple task to sum up a country of such diversity, variety and a complicated political history into a couple of paragraphs. But fortunately we had some fresh travel tips from Lucy (our London store manager) after her recent January travels. It is certainly not a hop off the plane and head straight to the resort kind of holiday, but there are some little luxuries to be had along the way. You will however, want to explore this country from top to bottom, inside out and that's exactly what Lucy managed to achieve in just two weeks. 

Most people start by flying into Bogota or Medellin airport and then opt to stay in either city for a few days. From the cities you can easily book buses to your next destination, it’s the cheapest (around £10 for up to 7 hours onboard) and most common way for travellers to move around the country. However, if you are short on time and have a bigger budget, internal flights are reasonable and can free up some extra hours for fun activities. Many people head to Colombia for the backpacking experience, but there are incredible options if you’d prefer it boujee or boutique. 

There is no typical ‘day in the life’ section for a travel experience in Colombia, as rarely is one day the same as the last. But Lucy had some recommendations and must do’s to share from her visit. She sought out the serenity of Salento and stayed at Kavas to go hiking in Cocora valley. Here you will see the tallest palms in the world! Apparently it’s imperative to spend an evening in town to try out the local game of Tejo. It involves throwing heavy metal discs at gunpowder - we cant guarantee the health and safety risk checks have passed, but you will be sure to have fun! Cali is where to head to indulge in everything salsa, watch it, try it and immerse in the local culture. Medellin is for the foodies with high end restaurants to local delicacies and also some affordable luxury at Click Clack hotel. From here you can also take a day trip to Guatape (with the infamous colourful houses) and some Pablo Escobar tours - if that's your thing. If you are headed to the coast, you can start in Cartagaena at Cosena Del Colegio hotel for some seriously smart city vibes and make your way down to Santa Marta, dipping inland to Minca for some hikes and breathtaking views at Santutio Natural. 

This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to highlights from her trip. There are also deserts, rivers and soul searching pilgrimages to be explored in this colossal country. Unfortunately, unless you are able to spend a few months in Colombia, you will always leave with a little Fomo. It is just too big and brilliant a country to squeeze it all in. However, if like our Lucy you are happy to hop around and stay a short while in each spot, we are confident that you can make a good dent and hey, there's always next time for the rest. As it seems everyone always wants to revisit! 

Travel - Bus Bud

Stay - The Click Clack hotel in Medellin 

Play - Tejo in Salento 

Pack - DUO LINGO/ You need at least a few Spanish phrases under your belt